This article will instruct you on how to custom style a Waterfall Widget using Custom CSS. If you're looking to customise a widget using our Javascript API - you can find the documentation here.
Use the Code Editor
You can use the Code Editor to modify both your Custom CSS and JavaScript. The CSS editor supports LESS CSS pre-processor. That means you can use both traditional CSS syntax or the better LESS syntax.
Fork from Nosto's UGC
You can now also click the fork link at the top-right corner of each editor pane. This brings the boilerplate code from the Nosto's UGC codebase so that you don't need to write from scratch or copy & paste from our Developer Portal.
Layout Structure
The below Layout demonstrates the wrappers of our Widget tiles.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html class="csstransforms csstransforms3d csstransitions js no-touch">
<div class="track">
<div id="container" class="container isotope">
<!-- All tiles will be appeneded to here -->
<a class="button js-load-more">Load more content</a>
<div class="spinner-overlay">
<div class="spinner"></div>
Changing the background style by setting body selector.
Changing the tile container style by setting #container selector.
Changing the Load More Data style by setting .js-load-more selector.
Changing the AJAX indicator style by setting .spinner-overlay and .spinner selectors.
Tile Structure
The Waterfall widget is mostly composed by tiles - as such it is much easier to customise the Waterfall widget when you are familiar with it's structure.
The diagram above only shows until the 4th level. Check the complete Tile structure by referencing the following code.