UGC Techdocs
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Onsite Widgets (2.0)
Posting images into Nosto via Tile API
Blank Canvas
Last updated
3 months ago
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Blank Canvas
Bind your own Events
Creating a Grid Widget from Waterfall
Create a Q&A Widget using Data Templates
Displaying a Widget in a Mobile App
Dynamically Specify Products to Display in Widget
Dynamically specify what Tile to display in a Widget
How to add a title / subtitle to a widget
How to localize the load more button on widgets
How to overlay existing Google Map with the UGC Map Widget
Styling cross-sellers on Grid and Carousel Widgets
How to Load External JS and CSS into Widgets
Profiling Widget Performance
Re-targeting with Widgets and Facebook Pixel
Render Widget filters dynamically
Styling Carousel Widget
Styling Grid Widget
Styling Masonry Widget
Styling Waterfall Widget
Styling Widget Expanded Tile
Styling Widget Shopspots
Using Web Fonts in Widgets