Styling cross-sellers on Grid and Carousel Widgets
If you are not familiar with customising widgets using CSS, we suggest you start here first as some of those details will come in handy.
Cross-Sellers on UGC widgets require the subscription of the Nosto Product Recommendations Module.
Cross-Sellers are only supported on Grid and Carousel widgets.
When using Nosto Product Recommendations as cross-sellers in UGC widgets, you combine the power of social proof with recommendations to drive your conversion rate by increasing relevance and boost average order value.
This guide will explore how to style the layout of how cross-sellers are displayed in widgets.
Getting Started
Tag Content with Tags
Start by going to the Curate view, apply shopspots to 4 or 5 tiles and publish those tiles.
Create a Filter
Creating a Filter in Nosto's UGC is really simple as outlined in this Knowledgebase article. Assuming that we would like to only showcase content with products, select the following options:
Name it "Cross-Sellers"
Set it to sort by "Latest"
Select the filter "Shopspots" and choose the "Show Shopspots" option
The rest of the options can be left to default.
Create a Widget
Create a Grid or Carousel Widget and set its filter to "Cross-Sellers". Save and observe the preview with your content.
Update the Widget Expanded Tile CSS
Open the Custom Code editor and click Expanded Tile. Here some examples of cross-sellers styling that you can customise:
Color of the ribbon (e.g. Grey):
Position of the ribbon (e.g. at the bottom):
Color, Font & Text of the Cross-Seller label (e.g. Label "Pair With", Color "white", Font "Lato, sans-serif)
Color, Font & Text of the See Recommendations label (e.g. Label "show me recommendations", Color "#2C2C2C", Font "Lato, sans-serif)
The following is an example of a grid widget with customised cross-sellers:
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