JavaScript API

Nosto allows customers to customize Widgets and Digital Screen features via JavaScript and CSS. Customers can interface with either the markup or rendering aspects via hooks and events, or our activities APIs such as voting and commenting.


Straight out of the box, Widgets are available in a variety of layouts and can have their displays customized when configured.

Nosto's UGC Widgets can further be customized to modify their look and feel, as well as their behavior. By hooking into events (e.g. the rendering of a widget, voting, commenting, expanded-tile viewing, tracking) developers can both receive callbacks as well as provide data and markup to augment. Further events can be added by developers and frameworks such as jQuery can be utilised if needed.

UGC Widgets

Digital Screens

Nosto's UGC Screens feature a full templating framework, as well as custom HTML, JavaScript, and CSS capabilities for developers to add their layouts, transition, data management and so much more.

UGC Digital Screens

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