To interface with some core UGC functionality, Nosto has exposed specific resources via a REST API. This gives developers a great deal of flexibility when integrating Nosto and opens up the doors to very exciting activations. While the JavaScript API deals mainly with the display of content, the REST API provides a way for the backend to interface directly with the Nosto configuration, data, and functionality. Check out our guides to see a sample of use cases.
Nosto's UGC REST API is the key to the integration point of many backend client applications, used to manage all areas of the Nosto product, enrich data stores, and ensure content taxonomy is updated in real-time.
Key Features
Rate limited.
Prioritises real-time uncached data results.
Powerful control set to match core Nosto's UGC functionality.
Secure access via OAuth tokens.
Confirms REST structure and HTTP messaging.
Restricts browser-based requests.
Designed for
Powering custom B2B applications.
Integrating with CRM and BI tooling.
Managing real-time data via external management tools.
Enriching external data stores.
Synching external content taxonomy.
Rate Limits
The API enforces a simple rate limit of 450 requests per 15-minute (900-second) time window per client. This includes all types of requests, namely GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE. Requests made in excess will be blocked and return an HTTP 403 status (Rate Limit Exceeded). Clients who exceed this rate limit constantly may be blocked by API access revocation, IP address, or otherwise (see Terms of Use).
To measure current use and limits, you can either refer to your Nosto's UGC API Console, or by inspecting the response headers of every request:
X-API-Remaining-Requests-Reset - The time (in seconds) remaining until the Rate Limit Time Window resets
X-API-Remaining-Requests - The number of requests available in the current Rate Limit Time Window
Note about measuring rate usage
There are up to 2 additional requests reserved in the rate limit time window for querying a future (i.e. to be implemented) API resource. The data returned in the header will reflect this.
Most uses of the API will easily fit inside this rate limit by utilizing server-side caching mechanisms. For more information about this, please reach out to our support team. If you believe that you need to increase your rate limit allowance, please contact your sales representative.
Authentication and Authorisation
The Nosto's UGC REST API supports basic authentication and authorization as an OAuth2 provider.
Each use of the REST API requires a valid client token, provided by the access_token URL query parameter or the x-access-token header parameter. Each client token will perform actions on behalf of the user that has authorized its use.
Generating a client token can be done either in the Admin Portal by configuring the REST API Plugin (as each admin, individually) or by implementing the authorization protocol of the REST API application yourself. You will most likely perform the former, however,r if you need to implement it yourself, our SDK may be of use to get you started.
Note that Stacks created before October 2015 may also have an API Key parameter generated. The key is most often a random hash and will be appended to REST requests as a URL query parameter api_key. As of 2015, the REST API is supporting OAuth2 as the main method and will be deprecating the API key method over time.
Content Type and Accept Headers
All POST requests to the API must be made with Content-Type set to "multipart/form-data". At this point, the API will not interpret any other Content-Types. Other request types should specify pointers or operators in URL-encoded queries.
Requests can be made to respond in both JSON ("application/json") or XML ("application/xml") format. To modify the accepted type, you may specify it in either the HTTP header or the Accept header (e.g. "Accept: application/xml"). You can also specify it as the resource extension. For example, to request Filter ID 123 to be returned as XML format, your request may resemble:**.xml**?access_token=1234abcd5678efgh&stack=mystack
Similarly, change the XML above to JSON to have it respond in JSON format.
If no type is specified, JSON is assumed and preferred over XML. Please note that the XML format is a limited implementation and provided on an "as-is" basis, and may only be suitable for some implementations.
Response Format
All responses will contain a specific HTTP status and wrap the payload in data and error branches/fields. Data may be an object, or an array of objects, depending on the request. Errors will either be an empty array or an array of error codes and messages.
Example of a valid response, with no errors (formatted for clarity)
Example of an error (formatted for clarity)
Note: message
is a general description of the reason for the error, it sometimes can be an object.
Note: error_code
and message_id
are 2 new fields that contain unique values for different types of errors. Due to the amount of work, this is still in progress. If an error has not been defined, error_code
returns 0.
Result Counters
Some queries (such as Tag keyword searching/matching) also return counters based on totals and how many the query matched. For example, if you have a total of 200 tags, a search for the keyword "%hello%" yields 150 results, you should see something like the following.
Note: These numbers are not necessarily related to the results returned and their counters.
Results sets can be navigated in sets of pages of a finite limit. The limit of each page can be set via the limit parameter, and can range between 1 and 100 results. Both the page and limit parameters can be set as a URL query, such as:**&limit=10&page=3**
In this example (i.e. page 3 and page limit to 10), the request would yield results 21 to 30.
Status and Error Codes
Every request to the interface will result in one of the following codes. You may adjust your application strategy to deal with the HTTP responses (e.g. "back-off" when rate limit is exceeded, trigger alert when a 400 or 401 is returned, etc.).
OK: All is good, the request was received, and processed successfully and data was returned.
Bad request: The request could not be understood
Unauthorized: Authentication credentials invalid or not authorised to access resource
Forbidden: Access to resource is restricted
Rate limit exceeded: Too many requests in the current time window
Invalid resource: Invalid resource specified or resource not found
Application error: An error within the application has prohibited a successful response; please contact support
(An empty status will be returned)
Network error: An error within the network prohibited a successful response; please contact support
(An empty status will be returned)
Network error: An error within the network prohibited a successful response; please contact support
There may be occasions where other error codes (such as 5xx status) are returned. In this case please contact Support to investigate.
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