Tagging your page types

The page-type tagging enables Nosto to trigger actions, such as showing popups, depending upon a page type. Tagging the page types is optional but without the page-type tagging, you will not be able to avail the use of page type based triggers.

Here is a list of all the valid page types:

  • The home page of your store should be tagged as front.

  • All category pages should be tagged as category.

  • All product pages should be tagged as product.

  • The shopping cart page should be tagged as cart .

  • The checkout page, where order information is filled, should be tagged as checkout.

  • The order confirmation page should be tagged as order.

  • The search results page should be tagged as search.

  • All no-found pages should be tagged as notfound.

  • Other pages should be tagged as other.

 <div class="nosto_page_type" style="display:none" translate="no">product</div>

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