This documentation explains the process of setting up Nosto - Dynamic Bundles for automatic discount, when a bundle is added to the cart on a Shopify store.
This functionality can only be used by Shopify Plus merchants.
Nosto Dynamic Bundle template
Nosto bundle templates needs the following mandatory variables (name intact) to be configured for proper functioning:
discount type - defines the type of discount offered (percent/dollar)
discount value - defines the amount/percent of discount offered on products
secured - Enable (true)/Disable (false) hash based authentication for bundle discounts.
discount current product - Defines whether the currently displayed product in PDP to be included & discounted when an associated bundle is added to cart. This flag is useful when bundles are displayed along with product details as depicted in image below:
A sample bundle template variable configuration is shown below
In the above sample configuration, all the mandatory fields are highlighted and the "ATC button text" and "subtitle" are custom variables
Variables can be added to the template using the following approach. Please note, this section only outlines the steps for adding variables and not creating the template end-to-end.
Navigate to "Recommendations" > "Templates" and click "Create template" button.
Select the "Variables" tab.
For adding "discount type" variable, populate the name and type field as shown below and click "Add"
For adding "discount value" variable, populate the name and type field as shown below and click "Add"
For adding "secured" variable, populate the name and type field as shown below and click "Add"
For adding "discount current product" variable, populate the name and type field as shown below and click "Add"
Nosto JavaScript API addBundleToCartWithDiscount can be used to add the selected bundle to the cart with the following parameters:
Products selected in the bundle while adding to cart (items parameter)
All the product IDs from the bundle (both selected and not selected) (bundleProducts parameter)
A hash value that is provided with the template out of the box (hash parameter). This hash value will later be used in conjunction with the secret key obtained from Nosto in order to authenticate the request for bundle discount.
Expanding items parameter, it should contain the following fields:
productId - Product ID of the variant selected in the bundle
variantId - ID of the selected variant in the bundle
quantity - An optional field indicating product quantity offered in bundle. Defaults to 1. For bundles with only one quantity, this field can be omitted
(a) An example where all the products from a bundle are added to cart.
In the above example, quantity defaults to 1 and no discount is offered and the customer pays the actual price of the selected product
Shopify Line Item script
Please follow the steps below for setting up the line item script for handling the bundle discount request.
Please follow the instructions here for installing and setting up Shopify Script Editor (make sure to select blank template and clear any existing code in the template)
Copy the code from here and add it to the line item script that we created in step (1). This code authenticates bundle discount requests and applies the discount only for genuine requests.
Copy the Nosto bundle discount script from here and add it to the line item script, below the authentication script (added from previous step)
The authentication logic has a GET_FROM_NOSTO variable. Value of this variable should be replaced with Nosto secret key. To get your secret key, please contact Nosto support
Click"Save and Publish" to publish the script
Debugging Line Item Script
Nosto Bundle Script includes a commented testing section as shown below. This can be used to test the functionality of the bundle discount script. For testing, the script need to be unpublished in case if it's already published.
Uncomment from Input.cart.line_times till end
The hash value marked with (GET_FROM_DEV_CONSOLE) can be retrieved from browser's network tab after adding a bundle to cart
Replace "PROD_1", "PROD_2" etc., with the actual product IDs.
type can be percent or dollar
Make sure to comment the lines after testing and before publishing the script again. This is an important step. Skipping this could cause issues with applying discounts in real-time.
# ================================================================
# Testing block. Uncomment the following lines to test the script
#Input.cart.line_items.each do |line_item|
# new_properties = { '_nosto_bundle' => { 'discount' => { 'type' => 'percent', 'value' => 10 }, 'bundle_products' => ["PROD_1", "PROD_2"], '_hash' => 'GET_FROM_DEV_CONSOLE' } }
# line_item.change_properties(new_properties, { :message => "" })
# ================================================================
Important Note
Nosto Dynamic Bundle configuration involves two important keys, hash and secret key. Hash key is used within the bundle template and can be accessed using predefined variable $hash. Please avoid hard-coding this value anywhere inside the template. As dynamic bundle configurations are subjected to change, the hash key will also change accordingly. Hard-coding this key may break the functionality.
Secret key, on the other hand, can be retrieved from "Dynamic Bundle Key" field in Nosto Admin Settings > Platform page. This value replaces GET_FROM_NOSTO placeholder in the Shopify line item script.
## [Authentication Script](#authentication-script)
# Convert integer to binary string (32 bits) - modified from original
def bits(x, n = 32)
if x >= 0
return x.to_s(2).rjust(n, '0') # "%0#{n}b" % x does not work in Shopify
# Note: Ruby NOT function returns a negative number, and .to_s(2) displays this mathematical representation in base 2.
# Note: So to get the expected unsigned notation you need to get the individual bits instead.
# Note: When doing so, ignore the first bit because that's the sign bit.
return (n - 1).downto(0).map { |i| x[i] }.join
# Convert integer to hexadecimal string (32 bits)
def hex(i)
return i.to_s(16).rjust(8, "0")
# Convert string to binary string
def bitstring(string)
bytes = string.bytes # convert ascii characters to bytes (integers)
binary = { |x| bits(x, 8) } # convert bytes to binary strings (8 bits in a byte)
return binary.join
# Convert input (hex, ascii) to array of bytes
def bytes(input, type)
case type
# Removed unused "binary" type from original
when "hex"
hex = input[2..-1] # trim 0x prefix
bytes = [hex].pack("H*").unpack("C*") # convert hex string to bytes
bytes = input.bytes # convert ASCII string to bytes
return bytes
# ----------
# Operations
# ----------
# Addition modulo 2**32
def add(*x)
total = x.inject(:+)
return total % 2 ** 32 # limits result of addition to 32 bits
# Rotate right (circular right shift)
def rotr(n, x)
right = (x >> n) # right shift
left = (x << 32 - n) # left shift
result = right | left # combine to create rotation effect
return result & (2 ** 32 - 1) # use mask to truncate result to 32 bits
# Shift right
def shr(n, x)
result = x >> n
return result
# ---------
# Functions - Combined rotations and shifts using operations above
# ---------
def sigma0(x)
return rotr(7, x) ^ rotr(18, x) ^ shr(3, x)
def sigma1(x)
return rotr(17, x) ^ rotr(19, x) ^ shr(10, x)
def usigma0(x)
return rotr(2, x) ^ rotr(13, x) ^ rotr(22, x)
def usigma1(x)
return rotr(6, x) ^ rotr(11, x) ^ rotr(25, x)
# Choice - Use first bit to choose the (1)second or (0)third bit
def ch(x, y, z)
return (x & y) ^ (~x & z)
# Majority - Result is the majority of the three bits
def maj(x, y, z)
return (x & y) ^ (x & z) ^ (y & z)
# -------------
# Preprocessing
# -------------
# Pad binary string message to multiple of 512 bits
def padding(message)
l = message.size # size of message (in bits)
k = (448 - l - 1) % 512 # pad with zeros up to 448 bits (64 bits short of 512 bits)
l64 = bits(l, 64) # binary representation of message size (64 bits in length)
return message + "1" + ("0" * k) + l64 # don't forget "1" bit between message and padding
# Cut padded message in to 512-bit message blocks - modified
def split(message, size = 512)
return (0..(message.length-1)/size).map{|i|message[i*size,size]} # message.scan(/.{#{size}}/)
# ----------------
# Message Schedule
# ----------------
# Calculate the 64 words for the message schedule from the message block
def calculate_schedule(block)
# The message block provides the first 16 words for the message schedule (512 bits / 32 bits = 16 words)
schedule = split(block,32).map { |w| w.to_i(2) } # convert from binary string to integer for calculations
# Calculate remaining 48 words
16.upto(63) do |i|
schedule << add(sigma1(schedule[i - 2]), schedule[i - 7], sigma0(schedule[i - 15]), schedule[i - 16])
return schedule
# ---------
# Constants
# ---------
# Constants = Cube roots of the first 64 prime numbers (first 32 bits of the fractional part)
K = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97, 101, 103, 107, 109, 113, 127, 131, 137, 139, 149, 151, 157, 163, 167, 173, 179, 181, 191, 193, 197, 199, 211, 223, 227, 229, 233, 239, 241, 251, 257, 263, 269, 271, 277, 281, 283, 293, 307, 311].map { |prime| prime ** (1 / 3.0) }.map { |i| (i - i.floor) }.map { |i| (i * 2 ** 32).floor }
# -----------
# Compression - Run compression function on the message schedule and constants
# -----------
# Initial Hash Values = Square roots of the first 8 prime numbers (first 32 bits of the fractional part)
IV = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19].map { |prime| prime ** (1 / 2.0) }.map { |i| (i - i.floor) }.map { |i| (i * 2 ** 32).floor }
def compression(initial, schedule, constants)
# state register - set initial values ready for the compression function
h = initial[7]
g = initial[6]
f = initial[5]
e = initial[4]
d = initial[3]
c = initial[2]
b = initial[1]
a = initial[0]
# compression function - update state for every word in the message schedule
64.times do |i|
# calculate temporary words
t1 = add(schedule[i], constants[i], usigma1(e), ch(e, f, g), h)
t2 = add(usigma0(a), maj(a, b, c))
# rotate state registers one position and add in temporary words
h = g
g = f
f = e
e = add(d, t1)
d = c
c = b
b = a
a = add(t1, t2)
# Final hash values are previous intermediate hash values added to output of compression function
hash = []
hash[7] = add(initial[7], h)
hash[6] = add(initial[6], g)
hash[5] = add(initial[5], f)
hash[4] = add(initial[4], e)
hash[3] = add(initial[3], d)
hash[2] = add(initial[2], c)
hash[1] = add(initial[1], b)
hash[0] = add(initial[0], a)
# return final state
return hash
# -------
# SHA-256 - Complete SHA-256 function
# -------
def sha256(string)
# 0. Convert String to Binary
# ---------------------------
message = bitstring(string)
# 1. Preprocessing
# ----------------
# Pad message
padded = padding(message)
# Split up in to 512 bit message blocks
blocks = split(padded, 512)
# 2. Hash Computation
# -------------------
# Set initial hash state using initial hash values
hash = IV
# For each message block
blocks.each do |block|
# Prepare 64 word message schedule
schedule = calculate_schedule(block)
# Remember starting hash values
initial = hash.clone
# Apply compression function to update hash values
hash = compression(initial, schedule, constants = K)
# 3. Result
# ---------
# Convert hash values to hexadecimal and concatenate
return { |w| w.to_s(16).rjust(8, '0') }.join
# Secret Key can be anything but must be consistent between this script and the frontend
We offer support only when the script, given below, is used as-is. We don't offer support when the below script is modified, in any way.
# ================================ Script Code (do not edit) ================================
# ================================================================
# BundleSelector
# Finds any items that are part of the entered bundle and saves
# them.
# ================================================================
class BundleSelector
def initialize(bundle_items)
@bundle_items = bundle_items.reduce({}) do |acc, bundle_item|
acc[bundle_item[:product_id]] = {
cart_items: [],
quantity_needed: bundle_item[:quantity_needed],
total_quantity: 0,
def build(cart)
cart.line_items.each do |line_item|
next if line_item.line_price_changed?
next unless @bundle_items[]
@bundle_items[][:total_quantity] += line_item.quantity
# ================================================================
# DiscountApplicator
# Applies the entered discount to the supplied line item.
# ================================================================
class DiscountApplicator
def initialize(discount_type, discount_amount, discount_message)
@discount_type = discount_type
@discount_message = discount_message
@discount_amount = if discount_type == :percent
1 - (discount_amount * 0.01)
else 100) * discount_amount
def apply(line_item)
new_line_price = if @discount_type == :percent
line_item.line_price * @discount_amount
[line_item.line_price - (@discount_amount * line_item.quantity),].max
line_item.change_line_price(new_line_price, message: @discount_message)
# ================================================================
# DiscountLoop
# Loops through the supplied line items and discounts the supplied
# number of items by the supplied discount.
# ================================================================
class DiscountLoop
def initialize(discount_applicator)
@discount_applicator = discount_applicator
def loop_items(cart, line_items, num_to_discount)
line_items.each_with_index do |line_item|
break if num_to_discount <= 0
if line_item.quantity > num_to_discount
split_line_item = line_item.split(take: num_to_discount)
position = cart.line_items.find_index(line_item)
cart.line_items.insert(position + 1, split_line_item)
num_to_discount -= line_item.quantity
# ================================================================
# BundleDiscountCampaign
# If the entered bundle is present, the entered discount is
# applied to each item in the bundle.
# ================================================================
class BundleDiscountCampaign
def initialize(campaigns)
@campaigns = campaigns
def run(cart)
@campaigns.each do |campaign|
bundle_selector =[:bundle_items])
bundle_items =
next if bundle_items.any? do |product_id, product_info|
product_info[:total_quantity] < product_info[:quantity_needed]
num_bundles = do |product_id, product_info|
(product_info[:total_quantity] / product_info[:quantity_needed])
num_bundles = num_bundles.min.floor
discount_applicator =
discount_loop =
bundle_items.each do |product_id, product_info|
(product_info[:quantity_needed] * num_bundles),
discount_type = ""
discount_amount = 0.0
# ================================================================
# Testing block. Uncomment the following lines to test the script
#Input.cart.line_items.each do |line_item|
# new_properties = { '_nosto_bundle' => { 'discount' => { 'type' => 'dollar', 'value' => 10 }, 'bundle_products' => ["9172269958", "9172630790", "4719799304243"], '_hash' => '239a2b5bc60229ca8a6d9dd0f390a5bdc7098996506415e8637d3381e1935269' } }
# new_properties = { '_nosto_bundle' => { 'discount' => { 'type' => 'percent', 'value' => 5 }, 'bundle_products' => ["9172269958", "9172630790", "4719799304243"], '_hash' => '239a2b5bc60229ca8a6d9dd0f390a5bdc7098996506415e8637d3381e1935269' } }
# line_item.change_properties(new_properties, { :message => "discount test" })
# ================================================================
class NostoBundleHandler
def initialize(line_items)
@nosto_bundle_products = []
if line_items.length() > 0
@nostoBundle =["_nosto_bundle"]
if @nostoBundle.nil? == false
@nosto_bundle_products = @nostoBundle["bundle_products"]
def isValid()
if @nostoBundle.to_a.empty? or @nostoBundle['_hash'].to_s.nil?
return false
data = @nosto_bundle_products.to_a.join(":")
if data.empty?
return false
discount = getDiscount()
if discount.nil?
return false
if discount['type'].nil? or discount['type'].to_s.strip.empty?
return false
if discount['value'].nil? or discount['value'].to_s.strip.empty?
return false
hashData = [data, discount['type'], discount['value'], SECRET_KEY].join(":")
SHA_HASH = sha256(hashData)
return SHA_HASH == @nostoBundle['_hash']
def cleanup()
@nosto_bundle_products = do |item|
if item.class == Integer
def isBundleActive()
cart_product_ids = {
(@nosto_bundle_products.to_a - cart_product_ids).empty?
def isBundleItem(productId)
def getDiscount()
if @nostoBundle.nil? == false
nostoBundleHandler =
if nostoBundleHandler.isValid()
isBundleActive = nostoBundleHandler.isBundleActive()
if isBundleActive
Input.cart.line_items.each do |line_item|
product_id =
if nostoBundleHandler.isBundleItem(product_id)
bundle_item = {}
bundle_item[:product_id] = product_id
bundle_item[:quantity_needed] = line_item.quantity
discountConfig = nostoBundleHandler.getDiscount()
if discount_type.empty?
unless discountConfig.nil?
discountType = discountConfig['type']
discount_type = discountType == 'percent' ? :percent : :dollar
discount_amount = discountConfig['value']
BUNDLE_ITEMS << bundle_item
:bundle_items => BUNDLE_ITEMS,
:discount_type => discount_type,
:discount_amount => discount_amount,
:discount_message => "#{discount_amount} #{discount_type} bundle discount!"
if BUNDLE_ITEMS.empty? == false and BUNDLE_ITEMS.nil? == false
CAMPAIGNS.each do |campaign|
Output.cart = Input.cart
Nosto recommendation template sample
Given below is an example of a Nosto recommendation template for Dynamic Bundle discount. It's only for reference purposes and can't be used in production as it is.
Points to consider
$Hash value for bundle discount is generated following a particular order of values. The order goes like this
All the Product Ids returned from the Recommendation
Product ID of the currently viewed product (only if discount current product is true)
Value of discount type variable (percent or dollar)
Value of discount value variable
The ordering above should be maintained while triggering the addBundleToCartWithDiscount API call
No hard coding of Product Ids. If we do, then the $Hash value verification will fail because it uses Product Ids returned from recommendation
The sample below has comments highlighting these points
Issue #1: Additional content displayed on cart page
Nosto implementation uses a private property field for sharing discount information with Shopify. In newer theme versions, Shopify automatically hides these fields while displaying products in cart page. In older version of themes, these fields gets exposed as shown below.
In such a case, make the following changes to the template liquid file that displays the cart information (usually cart.liquid or cart-template.liquid).
{% for p in %}
{% assign first_character_in_key = p.first | truncate: 1, '' %} <== new line
{% unless p.last == blank or first_character_in_key == '_' %} <== new line
{{ p.first }}:
{% comment %}
Check if there was an uploaded file associated
{% endcomment %}
{% if p.last contains '/uploads/' %}
<a href="{{ p.last }}">{{ p.last | split: '/' | last }}</a>
{% else %}
{{ p.last }}
{% endif %}
</small><br />
{% endunless %} <== new line
{% endfor %}
Issue #2: Discount is not applied
Nosto provided line item script is customized (No support provided).
SECRET_KEY value is incorrect.
Issue with Bundle script configuration.
Not all the products from a bundle are added to cart.
Contact Nosto support and share the line item script content for further analysis.