
When developing or testing an extension using the SDK it may be useful to connect it to your local Nosto environment or the staging environment instead of the live one. This can be done by modifying a "Dot Env" (.env) file in the Nosto SDK that the extension uses. For example for Magento extension, copy MAGENTO/lib/nosto/php-sdk/.env.example to MAGENTO/lib/nosto/php-sdk/.env and modify the parameters.

  • NOSTO_SERVER_URL is the Nosto url used in the store front

  • NOSTO_API_BASE_URL is the base url for all API calls to Nosto

  • NOSTO_OAUTH_BASE_URL is the base url for connecting Nosto accounts through OAuth

  • NOSTO_WEB_HOOK_BASE_URL is the base url for Nosto web hooks

  • NOSTO_IFRAME_ORIGIN_REGEXP is a regexp for validating window.postMessage() event origin dispatched by the account configuration iframe

The sample .env file can viewed here

Note that you can only have one .env file at a time, and if you wish to switch between environments you can copy them into .env.[environment] files. This way you can switch the environment by replacing the .env with the correct .env.[environment] file.

Coding Standards

The extension follows a customised version the PSR-2 coding standards that come bundled with PHP Code Sniffer. A custom ruleset is bundles with the code. The following warnings are suppressed:

  • Warnings about missing namespaces

Install Codesniffer

First cd into the root directory.

Then install Codesniffer via composer:

curl -OL
php phpcs.phar install

Running Codesniffer

You can run Code Sniffer using

phpcs --standard=ruleset.xml --extensions=php --ignore=lib --ignore=_data --ignore=_support --ignore=tests .`


The SDK is unit tested with Codeception ( API and OAuth2 requests are tested using api-mock server ( running on Node.

Install Codeception & API-mock

First cd into the root directory.

Then install Codeception via composer:

php composer.phar install

And then install Node ( and the npm package manager ( Node 0.12 is required by api-mock so you might need to install nvm ( and set node version to 0.12 (nvm install 0.12) before running api-mock . After that you can install the api-mock server via npm:

npm install -g api-mock

Running tests

First cd into the root directory.

Then start the api-mock server with the API blueprint:

api-mock tests/

When running the tests for the first time you must generate the helper classes by running:

vendor/bin/codecept build

Then in another window run the tests:

vendor/bin/codecept run

Last updated

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